Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring break in Scotland and Ireland. #9

Besides the fact that my trip with my wife was completely awesome, I honestly was looking for marketing stuff the whole time. It's like a completely different country over there (that's a funny).

The first picture I found was in Frankfurt, Germany in the airport on the way over to Scotland. It was the first ad that surprised me and made me take a second look, which I think is the point.
This was in the men's restroom, and this is the hand dryer next to the sinks. This is a LCD screen that rotates ad's. Not like a tv, it's not a video, just images come up more like a picture frame that we have in the states.

This made me turn and look a few times, I thought this is exactly what marketers want. This was a niche that had been created. You can't help but see this spot, even if you don't wash your hands its on the wall as you're walking out.

The second one was almost 1 hour later right after the first. I was on the plane flipping through the duty free magazine and bam. Cigarette ad's, but not like the ones you see in the states. This one has a bold identifier on it.

Directly on the center of even the ad there was "Smoking kills" in bold letters on every single cigarette brand. This I thought, well this is obvious because of regulations, but this was still bold and out in the front. I hope that whomever got the laws passed are pleased because their message was loud and clear and someone else paid for it.

I saw small ad's everywhere. On a car registration where if you were outside the vehicle you can see what year/ whatever other info. On the inside (this was a taxi) it was an ad for some local restaurant. I wish I had gotten a picture of it, but I was kind of running around and enjoying my vacation.

Here are a few photos I took with my ipod while running around.

That is a bowl at Newgrange, a place that was built before the pyramids.

Dunnotar Castle.

1 comment:

  1. "I hope that whomever got the laws passed are pleased because their message was loud and clear and someone else paid for it." <---- So true!!
